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Many ways to use this question

Don’t wait until anyone asks you this question before you answer it. This is a crucial question you need to answer at the early stage of your life. I ask myself this question a couple of times, and their answer is often shocking. I discovered that I may have never taken time to ask myself what I want to do with my life. Sometimes we hope some powers out there will align the stars in our favor without a clear plan.

There are many reasons people have this approach to life. Some people don’t decide what they want to do with their lives because they believe that whatever will be will be. Could a deterministic approach to life limit you because this mindset will make you focus on one main goal and not make you put in the necessary hard work to succeed in any task? Does it make you take responsibility for your life and make you leave things to chance? These simplistic perceptions my give you reasons to be passionate about what the clear purpose is.

Another reason some people don’t make plans is that they believe that life is too full of uncertainties. Of course, it’s true that life doesn’t always give us what we deserve. Still, you can increase your chances of achieving success in life when you have something specific you are thinking about. If you want to live life with clarity, you need to start with the end in mind.

If you haven’t decided what you want to do with your life, it’s okay there’s no age limit on what perception of purpose is. I think the beautiful part of the journey are the ups and downs. I know this read may have been a little scattered but hey aren’t all thoughts are when asking “what purpose do you really want?”

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