Russia breathes down Middle East necks over Ukraine

Europe is likely to shoulder the brunt of the fallout of a rapidly escalating crisis over Ukraine. Middle Eastern states could prove to be a close second. That is no truer than for Turkey and Israel…


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If you want to start a new startup, you need motivation!

The motivation is in you — you always have it when you don’t know how to activate it, but you have to press that magic button that catapults you into that magical world of possibilities.
Why do I say this?
Every startup starts with the desire to make the idea profitable and make a successful business, but that is not enough.

It is necessary to believe in it, and in the end to visualize that what you are doing causes satisfaction in many other people.

When you feel that feeling, then you know that you have really done your job!

Perhaps, the most important lesson you need to learn is that even your best friends will not fully understand you, and not everyone will support you in your idea, but that should not discourage you, because they will be the same people who will congratulate you if you succeed, and they will be the first to tell you those magic words, “I told you that it can’t happen” if you don’t succeed. This should not despair you, because it is normal to happen in San Francisco, in Berlin and anywhere in the world.

That’s why, because you want to get support from people who are not experts to tell you their opinion on this topic, and you expect to get support… It seems a little strange, but sometimes every one of us has faced that feeling!

You really need to talk about your idea only with those people who are interested and who support you, those who are experts in the field, and those who are entrepreneurs and who have roughly the same way of thinking.

This, on the other hand, does not mean that you run away from all your friends who do not support you or cannot understand you, but I just want to mention that it is natural for them not to understand you and not to support you, and it is better for you not to expect anything.

The most important thing for you is to provide 5 people around you who will believe in the idea and who will want to talk to you about the topic, regardless of whether it is people who are directly involved in the idea or your friends who support you. However, you must be aware that at least 3 people who are internally involved in the startup must believe in this idea.

That’s the minimum number of people enough for balance!

This does not mean that they will always think the same like you, but it does mean that they are the ones who have the same goal to make this idea come to life and be part of it, and are ready to commit to making it happen.

These mini rules are very important to establish in order to draw motivation from the people around you.

The most important thing is that you are motivated so that you can transfer the energy further, when you will not believe, the startup then ceases to exist in your heart, which means that it will cease to exist.

That is why it is important that you always find a special drive that will provoke a motive to give you that last atom of force behind, which always opens up new possibilities.

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